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Strict mode 🛑

2025-03-10 19:42:53 来源:网易 用户:雷初爽 

In the world of programming, strict mode is a powerful feature that can significantly enhance the quality and reliability of your code. When you enable strict mode, it acts like a vigilant guardian, enforcing stricter parsing and error handling rules. This means that any potential coding errors or unsafe practices are flagged early on, making it easier to catch and correct them before they become bigger issues down the line.

One of the primary benefits of using strict mode is the reduction in global variables. In regular JavaScript, if you forget to declare a variable with `var`, `let`, or `const`, it automatically becomes a global variable. This can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs that are hard to track down. However, in strict mode, this mistake will throw an error, forcing you to declare your variables properly.

Another advantage is that strict mode disallows the use of certain keywords that are reserved for future versions of JavaScript. This prevents you from accidentally using these keywords now, which could cause problems when you upgrade to newer versions of the language.


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